1. Zhukovsky Institute (National Research Center)
2. Institute for Electrophysics and Electric Power of the Russian Academy of Sciences
3. Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
The most promising areas of research in the field of plasma aerodynamics are proposed. On the basis of the presented experimental data obtained recently, the possibilities of using the volumetric force effect on the gas flow in aerodynamic applications, which is realized with the help of near-surface electric discharges, are considered. One of these applications is to increase the length of the laminar section of the boundary layer on the swept wing in order to reduce the aerodynamic drag of the aircraft in the cruise flight mode. The second direction is associated with the control of the three-dimensional separation of the boundary layer on the elements of the mechanization of the swept wing in the take-off and landing modes. And the third direction is the reduction of surface friction in the turbulent boundary layer, which is realized on most of the surface of modern near- and supersonic aircraft. The proposed studies are not only of applied, but also of fundamental importance due to the physical complexity of the studied phenomena.
The Russian Academy of Sciences