Structure and functioning of plankton communities оf the Rybinsky Reservoir under the conditions of climate change


Mineeva N. M.1,Lazareva V. I.1,Poddubny S. A.1,Zakonnova A. V.1,Kopylov A. I.1,Kosolapov D. B.1,Korneva L. G.1,Sokolova E. A.1,Pyrina I. L.1,Mitropolskaya I. V.1


1. Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters, Russian Academy of Sciences


Based on the data of complex environmental studies, which have been regularly carried out at six standard stations of the Rybinsk Reservoir since the middle of the 20th century, the orientation of changes in the elements of the reservoir ecosystem associated with global climatic events has been analyzed. During the period of climate warming, which began in 1977 and continues into the 21st century, the air temperature in the warm season increased by 0.9°C, the water temperature by 1.4°C, the average annual inflow by 7.5%, and the duration of the ice-free period by two weeks. An increase in electrical conductivity and color of water, a decrease in transparency were noted. With significant interannual variations in biological characteristics, in the XXI century, the number of bacterioplankton increased by 1.7 times, and bacterial production doubled. Chlorophyll content increased by 1.4 times and values 15 µg/L reflecting the eutrophic state of the reservoir began to be observed more often. In the biomass of phytoplankton, the proportion of small cell forms increased. The total abundance of phytoplankton increased due to the development of cyanobacteria, which form a long summer maximum in the seasonal dynamics of the community. The increase in water mineralization promoted the progressive spread of alien brackish-water algae. Biomass of zooplankton increased by 2.5 times. An increase in the abundance of crustaceans (Cladocerans, by 1.6 times; Copepods, by 1.9 times) caused a change in the structure of zooplankton and the formation of a strong late summer peak of biomass. The intensification of hydrobiological processes was clearly manifested after the abnormally hot 2010, the conditions of which not only stimulated the development of plankton communities, but also but also caused the formation of oxygen deficiency in the bottom layers. Warming has significantly transformed the ecosystem of the Rybinsk Reservoir, intensified eutrophication processes and worsened water quality. Changes in hydrometeorological characteristics have gone beyond the mild scenario of climate warming.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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