Estimation of the Average Values of the Wolf Numbers of Cycles of the Dalton Minimum Based on the Characteristics of Reliable Cycles of a Series


Shibaev I. G.1


1. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN)


The source material for the number of Wolf numbers is both archival records of disparate observationsand regular observatory observations. Many researchers rely on a series of Wolf numbers, includingrestored data of archival records, although the properties and characteristics of the restored and reliable partsof the series differ significantly. The parameters of the restored part itself are also contradictory. Naturally,matching the properties of the reconstructed and reliable series will smooth the contradictions and expandthe array of more reliable data. Taking the relationship between the characteristics of significant cycles intoaccount, options for group correction of the average values of cycles I–IX are presented. Since local dataresiduals play a lesser role when comparing extended fragments, by relying on the integral estimates of thesefragments (without detailing the conditions for their formation) we obtained more weighted interval estimates.The parameters of intervals (groups of cycles) of a reliable series serve as the basis for correction.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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