Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge as an integrator of polythematic information resources


Kalenov N. E.1,Sotnikov A. N.1


1. Joint SuperComputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Branch of Federal State Institution “Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences”


The goals, objectives and structure of the ontology of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) are considered. The CDSSK is an integrated information structure that combines state scientific information systems presented on the Internet (the Great Russian Encyclopedia, the National Electronic Library, the State Catalog of Geographical Names, etc.) with industry information systems, databases and electronic libraries (“MathNet”, “Socionet”, “Scientific Heritage of Russia”, etc.). CDSSK can be considered as an information basis for solving artificial intelligence problems. The article presents the unified structure of the CDSSK ontology developed at the JSCC RAS and its modeling on the example of ten subject and eight auxiliary classes of objects of the CDSSK universal subspace.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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