1. Polar Geophysical Institute, 184209, Apatity, Murmansk oblast, Russia
The interaction of the magnetospheric–ionospheric (MI) system surrounding the Earth with the environment (solar wind) occurs in the form of a series of transient processes at different scales. The largest of them, magnetic storms, are obviously triggered by disturbances in the solar wind (direct driving). The role of the internal dynamics of the MI system, which is caused to a large extent by the nonlinearity and temporal delays of the loading–unloading processes of energy and particle from the solar wind into the magnetosphere, becomes more significant at smaller scales (substorms, pseudobreakups, injections, and activations). A typical dynamic state of the MI system is characterized as self-organized criticality or turbulence, which are characterized by statistical scale invariance (scaling) in the fluctuation distributions of many characteristics. The dynamics of the MI system is projected into the region of the auroral oval, the very existence of which is due to this dynamics. The space–time structure of auroral disturbances largely reflects the structure of processes in the MI plasma. The description of this structure is important both for studying the fundamental study of plasma processes and for many topical applied problems related to the propagation of radio waves in the ionosphere and vital activity at high latitudes. The paper discusses approaches and developments for constructing a model of the space–time structure of the auroral oval, based on fractal and multifractal characteristics.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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