1. National Movement of Saving Agriculture
2. Samara State Agrarian University
3. Samara National Research University named after akad. S.P. Korolev
4. Agrophysical Institute
5. LLС “Orlovka-Agro-Innovation Center”
6. Samara State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
The transition from conventional soil treatment technology to zero treatment technology contributes to an increase in carbon sequestration (Sorg) in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere into the soil and, as a result, a reduction in the adverse effects of the greenhouse effect on the ecological state of the environment. The effectiveness of the application of zero tillage is to a greater or lesser extent due to specific agro-climatic conditions, crop rotation systems, fertilizers and plant protection, soil quality and stability. The influence of zero tillage on the dynamics of sorghum reserves and greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4) in the agro-climatic conditions of crop production (LLC “Orlovka AIC”, Samara region) was investigated. The study was conducted on agrochernozem heavy loam in September–November 2021 in conditions of an abnormally arid growing season and high summer temperatures. On plots with zero tillage, plant residues were received: 268–1720 kg С/ha, 3–66 kg N, 0.2–7.7 kg P and 12–44 kg K/ha. Based on the results obtained, recommendations are proposed for further improving the efficiency of zero tillage technology due, firstly, to reducing its adverse effect on the density of soil composition, and, secondly, taking into account the influence of underlying parent rocks and relief on water erosion of soil and redistribution of granulometric fractions of soil in the agricultural landscape, which will allow using this technology according to principles of adaptive landscape farming.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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