Effectiveness and Duration of Action of Dolomite Screening Particles Used for Reclamation of Acidic Soils. Empirical Models of the Acidification Process of SodPodzolic Light Loamy Soil (according to Field Experience)


Litvinovich A. V.12,Lavrishchev A. V.2,Kovlev A. O.12,Khomyakov Yu. V.1,Dubovitskaya V. I.1,Bure V. M.13


1. Agrophysical Research Institute

2. St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

3. St. Petersburg State University


In a long-term 10-variant microfield experiment based on a mediumacidic sod-podzolic light loamy soil, a comparative study of the reclamation properties of the screening of dolomite crumbs stored in dumps, without separation into fractions (SIF), particles of 5–7 and 7–10 mm in size and dolomite flour (DF) prepared from the screening of dolomite when sifting dolomite crumbs with the diameter of the holes is 0/25 mm. The experiment lasts for 14 experimental years. It has been revealed that dolomite particles of 5–7 and 7–10 mm in size are valuable calcareous material. Their use leads to the neutralization of soil acidity already in the year of liming. The higher the dose of application, the greater the reclamation effect. There were no significant differences in the effect of granules of 5–7 and 7–10 mm in size, applied in equivalent doses, on the pH value. The positive effect of liming with meliorant in the amount of 3 and 5 doses of hydrolytic acidity (Ah) did not end after 14 experimental years after reclamation and allowed to postpone the period of repeated (maintenance) liming. The positive effect of using a natural mixture of chalk fractions (SIF) in a scientifically justified dose was inferior to dolomite flour. Clustering of individual variants of the experiment was carried out according to their effect on the рHKCl value for the entire period of the experiment. Linear trends of the averaged dependencies of the acidification process for meliorant particles of various sizes over the entire period of the experiment have been developed. The mechanisms of interaction of dolomite particles with soil in the process of land reclamation are considered.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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