1. Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS
The macroelement composition and ratios of macroelements in dominant and co-dominant plants growing on lakeside solonchaks of Western Transbaikalia: from salt-sandy strips on dried shoals with pioneer groupings, side slopes to plains with cheieves, irises and leymus communities were studied for the first time. General regularities characterizing their macroelement composition were established for annual halophytes of salt-sand strips of the Beloe Lake shoreline. It has been revealed that pioneer perennials are formed on the mortmass of annuals. Mortmass of different duration of formation was characterized by high silicic content and concentrations of S, Fe, and Mg with a minimal amount of K, and the K : Na ratio was 0.03–0.04. Biological productivity of lakeside saltmarsh communities was determined to be normal and elevated, 1490–3080 g dry mass/m2/year. Species differed significantly in the macroelement composition depending on the conditions of growing in the coastal zone of brackish lakes. Common for the chemical composition of plants was a relatively high content of nitrogen and ash. It was found that by the total concentration of K, Ca, Mg, Na, Si in the dry matter, annuals of the Chenopodiaceae family dominated due to the high amount of sodium. In spite of non-compliance with the norms of the ratios of most macronutrients in the dry matter of plants, especially by K : (Ca + Mg) and K : Na, all species are used as fodder in different periods of the year.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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