Effectiveness of rodenticides based on bromadiolone against the common vole Microtus arvalis Pall. in laboratory conditions


Babich N. V.12


1. All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection

2. LLC “Innovative Plant Protection Center”


The number of preparations based on the 2nd generation anticoagulant bromadiolone in the catalog of plant protection products against mouse-like rodents in Russia is growing, but information about the effectiveness of this active substance against the common vole Microtus arvalis Pall. is very limited. In a laboratory study of bromadiolone, acute LD50 = 3.3 + 0.8 mg/kg was shown, increased resistance equal to LD50 5.2 mg/kg was detected in individuals selected on the basis of resistance to anticoagulants of the 1st generation against the background of a diet with a high content of vitamin K (green food). Rodents overcame relative stability in the laboratory with a 3-day consumption of bait (0.05 g of bromadiolone/kg). In the field, the effectiveness of treatments may decrease and lead to the selection of resistant individuals. Bromadiolone-based rodenticidal baits are suitable for controlling the number of mouse-like rodent communities with the dominance of the common vole and carrying out treatments at the beginning of population growth.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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