Metasomatic Transformation of Amphibolites into Corundum-Bearing Plagioclasites: Zoning, Numerical Model of the Process (on the Example of the Unique Khitostrov Mineral Deposit, Fennoscandian Shield)


Bushmin S. A.1,Kol’tsov A. B.1,Lebedeva Yu. M.1,Savva E. V.1


1. Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences


The paper presents the results of a study of desilicated rocks of the middle crust at the level of amphibolite facies using the example of corundum-bearing plagioclasites developing over the metabasites at the unique Khitostrov mineral deposit in the Belomorian-Lapland orogen of the Fennoscandian Shield. The main attention is paid to new geological data, documentation and analysis of metasomatic zoning, determination of the P-T conditions of its formation, and a model of the metasomatic process.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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