Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy with an Uncalibrated Microwave Path


Alekseev S. G.1,Luzanov V. A.2,Raevsky A. O.2,Balashov V. V.2,Lopukhin K. V.2,Polzikova N. I.1


1. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 125009, Moscow, Russia

2. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (Fryazino Branch), Russian Academy of Sciences, 141120, Fryazino, Moscow region, Russia


Acoustic resonance spectroscopy (ARS) is an informative analytical method that yields information about thicknesses and acoustic properties of layers in a multilayer structure representing a high-overtone bulk acoustic wave resonator (HBAR). Since the HBAR spectrum has many resonance features, the development of automatic methods for its processing is an urgent task. In this study, a method for extracting ARS data from a signal distorted by a RF measuring path without additional measurements of reference impedances (calibration) is proposed, which brings the spectrum to a form convenient for automatic processing and significantly expands the range of the ARS application. The method is especially relevant for processing HBAR spectra with a low excitation efficiency. As an example of such processing, the central frequencies and effective widths of more than a thousand resonant peaks are determined and, based on this, the frequency dependence of the acoustic attenuation is established for a new material: optical ceramics based on doped yttrium aluminum garnet nanoparticles.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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