1. Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
From the Jurassic of Asia, new representatives of the caddisfly order from the families Necrotauliidae and Philopotamidae are described. From the Upper Jurassic (Karabastau Formation) locality of Karatau in South Kazakhstan, Karataulius martae sp. nov., Archiphilopotamus expectatus sp. nov. and Juraphilopotamus inopinatus sp. nov., while from the Middle Jurassic (Itat Formation) locality Kubekovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Necrotaulius communis sp. nov. and Juraphilopotamus similis sp. nov. are described. Keys for species of the genera Archiphilopotamus Sukatsheva, 1985 and Juraphilopotamus Wang, Zhao et Ren, 2009 are given. Data on the stratigraphic and geographical distribution of the Mesozoic representatives of the Philopotamidae are given.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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