Dynamics of Commensals Virulence: Preventive Phenotypical Mutability


Chepur S. V.1,Pluzhnikov N. N.1,Saiganov S. A.2,Chubar O. V.1,Bakulina L. S.3,Litvinenko I. V.4


1. State Research and Testing Institute of Military Medicine, Ministry of Defense of Russia

2. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

3. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy

4. Kirov Military Medical Academy


The peculiarities of the influence of cytokines and metabolites of the systemic inflammatory reaction, stress-implementing and nutritional factors contributing to the transformation of the phenotype of the resident intestinal microflora with an increase in its virulence are described. From the perspective of gene expression, protein and phospholipids conformations, the influence of temperature as a signaling factor in increasing the virulence of the intestinal microbiome is considered. Evolutionarily formed mechanisms of expression of the maximum pathogenic phenotype of microorganisms and, thus, achieving an increase in their biomass and maximum dissemination through the microorganism compartments increases the probability of the commensals transmission to another biotope, i.e. increases the probability of their survival after the death of the host organism. To prevent bacterial translocation after the relief of critical conditions, early enteral administration of β-glucans in food mixtures, iron excretion, relief of inorganic phosphate deficiency, including by induction of alkaline phosphatase synthesis.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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