Effects of the Impact of Water-Soluble Forms of Fullerenes and Their Derivatives on Plants Metabolism and Yield of Agricultural Crops


Yamskova О. V.1,Kurilov D. V.2,Zavarzin I. V.2,Krasnov М. S.1,Voronkova T. V.3


1. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden, Russian Academy of Sciences


The search for effective and environmentally friendly plant growth regulators in modern conditions makes it possible to identify and reduce the impact on plant development, its metabolic processes, the biomass of its various parts and crops. Substances with the least toxicity to living organisms, which are of particular interest in this field, in particular, these include C60, C70 fullerenes and their derivatives. This paper describes the impact of both fullerenes themselves and their derivatives on plant growth, yield, effects, metabolic and morphological changes observed depending on the processing methods, the chemical structure of the derivative, and the amount of substance used for processing.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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