First Data on Ecology and Biology of Arctoraja sexoculata (Arhynchobatidae) from the Area off Kuril Islands


Kurbanov  Yu. K.12,Vinogradskaya A. V.12


1. Kamchatka Branch Russian Federal Research Institute of Fishery and Oceanography—KamchatNIRO, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia

2. Kamchatka State Technical University—KamchatGTU, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia


First information on the Arctoraja sexoculata frequency of occurrence, ecology, and biology, from the area off the middle Kuril Islands has been provided. It is estimated that the Arctoraja sexoculata is a common bycatch species in trawl fishing for the commander squid Berryteuthis magister in this water area. The locations of catch events for this species were localized off the Ketoy and Simushir Islands and in the Diana Strait at the depths of 250–490 m at a water temperature near the bottom of 1.8–2.5°С. It is supposed that the species belongs to the mesobenthal ichthyocene. In the catches, A. sexoculata represented by individuals of 26–90 cm length and 0.1–5.6 kg body mass. The species probably reaches the age of maturity for the first time at 8–9 years old and over. Its highest life expectancy is 16 years. The individuals of 50–90 cm length become predators consuming predominantly cephalopods and fishes, in the same time isopods and ctenophores among the food items were rarely recorded.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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