Application to the World Ocean of the Theory of Transformation of a Mesoscale Vortex into a Submesoscale Vortex Thread When the Vortex Elongates by an Inhomogeneous Barotropic Flow


Zhmur V. V.123,Belonenko T. V.3,Novoselova E. V.3,Suetin B. P.2


1. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)

3. Saint Petersburg State University


This paper is a continuation of the authors’ research [5]. We apply some aspects of the theory about strong horizontal stretching of large-scale mesoscale eddies in the World ocean based on ‘the ellipsoidal eddies’ theory to the ocean conditions. Two areas are considered, characterized by increased eddy manifestation. They are the Lofoten Basin in the Norwegian Sea and the Agulhas Current area. We also discuss the condition of the Atlantic Ocean and the World Ocean. The main purpose of this paper is to check the feasibility of the physical conditions for unbounded eddy elongation in the real ocean and estimate the fraction of mesoscale ocean eddies that are elongating into filaments and redistributing energy from the mesoscale to the submesoscale. We estimate the share of eddies in the World Ocean that are strongly elongated. We propose the maps of the geographical location of unlimited eddy elongation zones and give the interpretation of the obtained results. We also describe the effect of a decrease in the vortices’ self-energy due to the tensile action of the background flow. We suppose that it is a possible mechanism for energy transfer from the vortex to the flow and a manifestation of the negative viscosity effect.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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