1. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Automatic feature extraction methods have gained increasing attention in modern image processing. The confocal images of the single-layered epithelium of the developing Drosophila eye may form an excellent model system to develop methods for complex feature extraction. The aim of this work was to explore Cartesian genetic programming for determination of the boundaries of ommatidia, the light-sensitive units in the presumptive eye region. Application of Cartesian genetic programming for the analysis of Fasciclin III expression has shown good results. This opens interesting perspectives for further use of this technology in the automatic analysis of confocal images.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
Reference18 articles.
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3. Building an ommatidium one cell at a time
4. Interplay between sex determination cascade and major signaling pathways during Drosophila eye development: Perspectives for future research
5. Pattern formation in the Drosophila eye disc