Influence of the pulsed magnetic field of the amplitude strength on the parameters of the magnetoplastic effect in aged Al–Si–Cu–Fe aluminum alloy


Osinskaya J. V.1,Magamedov S. G.1,Pokoev A. V.1


1. Samara National Research University


The results of a comprehensive experimental study of the influence of the pulsed magnetic field of the amplitude strength on the properties and characteristics of an Al–Si–Cu–Fe aluminum alloy during aging are presented. Data are presented on the modes of thermomagnetic treatment and the results of measurements of the microhardness, lattice parameter, and fine structure parameters of the alloy aged at a temperature of 175°С for 4 h in a pulsed magnetic field with a strength amplitude of 79.6–557.2 kA/m and in its absence. The main regularities of changes in the structure and properties of the metal alloy during annealing are formulated.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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