Strong Scattering Effects in the Emission of Soft Gamma-Ray Bursts


Urvachev T. M.12,Shidlovski D. S.12,Blinnikov S. I.12,Glazyrin S. I.12


1. Dukhov Research Institute of Automatics, 127055, Moscow, Russia

2. National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", 123182, Moscow, Russia


When a light beam enters a scattering-dominated medium, the radiation is isotropized. Part of the radiation goes backwards, leading to non-monotonicity in the radiation energy density profile inside this medium. There arises a local maximum at which the energy density at a scattering albedo 1 is severalfold greater than that without scattering at the same extinction. This effect is studied numerically in one-dimensional and two-dimensional simulations. It is demonstrated that a local maximum of the radiation energy density arises in the medium, whose value depends on the optical depth of the region. This effect can manifest itself, for example, when the radiation from a gamma-ray burst (GRB) enters heated regions in the interstellar medium. The presence of scattering in the GRB radiation generation region, near the front of strong shocks, affects the radiation pattern. The structure of such shocks is remarkable for the presence of a preshock preheating tail. Strong scattering in this region leads to the escape of a significant fraction of the radiation sideways and backwards in the shock reference frame, forming additional tails in the angular distribution of GRB radiation after the relativistic transformation to the laboratory frame. This effect is also studied numerically in three-dimensional simulations.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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