Contaminants in the Lunar Regolith


Mokhov A. V.1,Gornostaeva T. A.1,Rybchuk A. P.1,Kartashov P. M.1


1. Vernadsky Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (GEOKHI RAS), Moscow, Russia


The lunar regolith delivered to Earth in the 1970s by the Soviet automatic stations Luna-16, -20, and -24, despite the small amount of material, is of great value for science and requires careful study. How ever, since soil samples have gone quite a long way from the moment of extraction to direct examination, there is a danger of possible contamination of the samples with foreign material, both man-made and terrestrial natural minerals. The probability of contamination of the finest fraction of regolith, the particle size of which is less than 100 microns, is especially high, since their detection is possible only by electron microscopy. Using the methods of analytical scanning electron microscopy in regolith samples, contaminant phases that con taminated the original preparations were found, and the sources of these artifacts were shown. The examples of contamination of regolith samples given in this paper and the methods for their identification will make it possible in the future to more accurately diagnose the phases of lunar origin.


The Russian Academy of Sciences

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