1. Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry (IGEM) RAS
The work considers the suitability of using multispectral satellite remote sensing data Landsat-8 for conducting regional geological and mineralogical mapping of the territory of south-eastern Transbaikalia (Russia) in conditions of medium- low-mountain relief and continental climate. The territory was chosen as the object of study due to its diverse metallogenic specialization (Au, U, Mo, Pb-Zn, Sn, W, Ta, Nb, Li, fluorite). Diversity in composition and age of ore-bearing massifs of intrusive, volcanogenic and sedimentary rocks are also of interest. Statistical processing algorithms to increase spectral information content of satellite data Landsat-8 were used; they include: principal component analysis (PCA); minimum noise fraction (MNF) and independent component analysis (ICA). Eigenvector matrices analysed on the basis of statistical processing results and two-dimensional correlation graphs were built to compare thematic layers with geological material classes: oxide/hydroxide group minerals containing transition iron ions (Fe3+ and Fe3+/Fe2+); a group of clay minerals containing A1–OH and Fe, Mg–OH; minerals containing Fe2+ and vegetation cover. Pseudo-coloured RGB composites representing the distribution and multiplication of geological materials classes was generated and interpreted. Integration of informative thematic layers with using fuzzy logic model was carried out to construct a prospectivity map. Received map was compared with geological information, and positive conclusions about territory suitability for further remote mapping research of hydrothermally altered zones and hypergenesis products in order to localize areas promising for identifying hydrothermal-metasomatic mineralization were made.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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