1. Southern Federal University, Academy of Biology and Biotechnology
The present study investigates morphological, physical and chemical properties of Chernozems at dense parent rocks. The research was carried out on the protected areas native soils of the north-west of the Rostov region. This territory is representing eastern slopes of the Donetsk Ridge, which predetermines the dense rocks release to the surface. It has been found that morphological, physical and chemical properties of Chernozems on dense rocks have emphasized their originality and uniqueness, and at the same time clearly have indicate their classification as Chernozem order. In comparison with the zonal soil – Calcic Chernozem – Chernozems on dense rocks are characterized by a reduced thickness of humus-accumulative layers, an increased of humus content, the presence of gravel in profile bottom half, a weak expression of calcareous accumulations, features of the particle-size distribution of soil components, even if it belongs to the same soil texture class. Chernozems on dense carbonate rocks either do not have accumulation or are characterized by a weak manifestation of secondary carbonates (pseudomycelia and nodules). This fact has differed such soil from the same order Chrernozems on fine-grained rocks (Calcic Chernozems) for which it is diagnostic criteria. Therefore, the mention of the suborder of these soils is incorrect in the designation. In the soil covering of the spurs of the Donetsk Ridge, dark humus soils are also occure, previously classified as incomplete developed chernozems, differing from chernozems by the absence of medium part of soil profiles.
The Russian Academy of Sciences
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