1. Pro rishennia Rady natsionalnoi bezpeky i oborony Ukrainy vid 25 bereznia 2021 roku «Pro Stratehiiu voiennoi bezpeky Ukrainy» : Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 25.03.2021 № 121/2021 [On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of March 25, 2021 "On the Strategy of Military Security of Ukraine": Decree of the President of Ukraine of 25.03.2021 № 121/2021]. Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/121/2021 [in Ukrainian].
2. Pro rishennia Rady natsionalnoi bezpeky i oborony Ukrainy vid 20 serpnia 2021 roku «Pro Stratehichnyi oboronnyi biuleten Ukrainy» : Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 17.09.2021 № 473/2021 [On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of August 20, 2021 "On the Strategic Defense Bulletin of Ukraine": Decree of the President of Ukraine of 17.09.2021 № 473/2021]. Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/473/2021#Text [in Ukrainian].
3. Pro nevidkladni zakhody shchodo zakhystu natsionalnykh interesiv na Pivdni ta Skhodi Ukrainy, u Chornomu ta Azovskomu moriakh i Kerchenskii prototsi : rishennia Rady natsionalnoi bezpeky ta oborony Ukrainy vid 12.10.2018 № 0011525 [On urgent measures to protect national interests in the South and East of Ukraine, in the Black and Azov Seas and the Kerch Strait: decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated 12.10.2018 № 0011525]. Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/n0011525-18#Text [in Ukrainian].
4. Pro Richnu natsionalnu prohramu pid ehidoiu Komisii Ukraina – NATO na 2021 rik : Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 11.05.2021 № 189/2021 [On the Annual National Program under the auspices of the NATO-Ukraine Commission for 2021: Decree of the President of Ukraine of 11.05.2021 № 189/2021]. Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/189/2021#Text [in Ukrainian].
5. Pro skhvalennia Kontseptsii stvorennia derzhavnoi intehrovanoi informatsiinoi systemy zabezpechennia upravlinnia rukhomymy ob’iektamy (zv’iazok, navihatsiia, sposterezhennia) : rozporiadzhennia Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 17.07.2003 № 410-p [About approval of the Concept of creation of the state integrated information system of maintenance of management of mobile objects (communication, navigation, supervision): the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 07/17/2003 № 410-p]. Retrieved from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/410-2003-%D1%80#Text [in Ukrainian].