Trisniawati Trisniawati,Rahayu Ayu,Rhosyida Nelly
This study aims to provide an overview of how the learning using origamasains can emerge fondness to mathematics and science subjects from the early age. The result of the study was expected to become the input for the upcoming learning and the reference for developing the learning at the basic level especially for the mathematics and science subjects. In order to get the accurate research result, the qualitative research method was employed. The data were analyzed using the data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data validity check procedures. The research was conducted in May - September 2018 at Jageran Yogyakarta early childhood school. The primary data being analyzed were the impression of the students to the given learning and the results of the interviews to the students. The finding showed that the students could learn better using the origamasains learning. In this first activity,80% of the students showed fondness to the given learning activity, while 20% of the students expressed normal impressions and 0% of the students showed dislike. In this second activity 100% of the students showed fondness to the given learning activity. Meanwhile in the third activity, 75% of the students showed fondness to the given learning activity, 20% of the students expressed normal impressions and 0% of the students showed dislike. In that third activity, the classroom’s good atmosphere was destructed by the crying from some students.
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Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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