Teacher Competence in Reducing the Level of Aggression in the Classroom


Kožuh Anna1ORCID,


1. University of Primorska, Slovenia; AFM Krakow, Poland


The authoress of the text raises the issue of teaching problematic students. This phenomenon mainly concerns the inappropriate behaviour of students in lessons of various subjects as well as inappropriate reactions of teachers. The authoress attempts to analyze the main problem, searching for the causes and consequences of this problem in education. In the following parts of the text, she shows and tries to resolve the development of the problem, trying to convince the reader of the practical and theoretical importance of discussing problematic situations in the process of education. The consequences of problematic student behaviour, preparing future teachers for coping with problem students, teaching activities aimed at weakening the actions of a “problematic” student, the importance of competence in interpersonal communication in activities correcting the attitudes of troublesome students are one by one discussed in the text. The selected contents are supplemented with references to the cited literature and with the opinions of the authoress. The article is closed by conclusions together with an indication of directions and areas of further research and practice.


FSFEI HE Don State Technical University


Cognitive Neuroscience,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology,Education

Reference53 articles.

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