1. Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
2. Bashkir State Medical University
Introduction. In the age of automation and mechanization of labor, noise and vibration have become the leading dangerous and harmful production factors (DHPF) in various industries and agriculture. In order to reduce the harmful effects of vibroacoustic factors on the human body, first of all, it is necessary to evaluate this factor. The article provides general information on the assessment of working conditions under the influence of vibroacoustic factors.
Problem Statement. The aim of this work is to study the main aspects in the assessment of vibroacoustic factors.
Theoretical Part. As basic information, the paper provides the definitions of noise and vibration, their main characteristics, classification, hygienic regulation, the negative impact of these factors on human health, methods of assessment and measures of protection against them.
Conclusion. The study of the main aspects of the assessment of vibroacoustic factors allows us to analyze the DHPF and further develop measures to reduce the negative impact of these factors on the human body.
FSFEI HE Don State Technical University
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1 articles.