From twelve at night till two it was my turn to stand sentinel at a dangerous post … As soon as I was alone, I kneeled down, and determined not to rise, but to continue crying and wrestling with God, till He had mercy on me. How long I was in that agony I cannot tell; but as I looked up to heaven I saw the clouds open exceeding bright, and I saw Jesus hanging on the cross. At the same moment these words were applied to my heart, “thy sins are forgiven thee.” My chains fell off; my heart was free. All guilt was gone, and my soul was filled with unutterable peace. I loved God and all mankind, and the fear of death and hell was vanished away. I was filled with wonder and astonishment.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Religious studies,History,Cultural Studies
Reference96 articles.
1. Austin to Wesley, 19 May 1740.
2. Austin to Wesley, 19 May 1740.
3. Account of Joanna Barber's death by her husband [William Barber?] to Charles Wesley, February 1752, MS letter, JRL.
4. Evangelical endings: death-beds in evangelical biography
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6 articles.