1. Paying for Progress: School Taxes, Municipal Government, and Liberal State Building, Cuetzalan and Huehuetla, Mexico, 1876–1930;Hispanic American Historical Review;2019-11-01
2. Once Bitten, Twice Shy: Path Dependence, Power Resources, and the Magnitude of the Tax Burden in Latin America;The Political Economy of Taxation in Latin America;2019-06-27
3. Latin American Taxation from a New Perspective: Contributions from the Relational, Historical, and Transnational Dimensions;Rethinking Taxation in Latin America;2017-11-25
4. The Business of Governing: Corruption and Informal Politics in Mexico City's Markets, 1946–1958;Journal of Latin American Studies;2017-08-14
5. Select Bibliography;Dictablanda;2014