Chains and antichains in


Baumgartner James E.


Consider the following propositions:(A) Every uncountable subset of contains an uncountable chain or antichain (with respect to ⊆).(B) Every uncountable Boolean algebra contains an uncountable antichain (i.e., an uncountable set of pairwise incomparable elements).Until quite recently, relatively little was known about these propositions. The oldest result, due to Kunen [4] and the author independently, asserts that if the Continuum Hypothesis (CH) holds, then (A) is false. In fact there is a counter-example 〈Aα: α < ω1〉 such that α < β implies AβAα is finite. Kunen also observed that Martin's Axiom (MA) + ¬CH implies that no such counterexample 〈Aα: α < ω1〉 exists.Much later, Komjáth and the author [2] showed that ◊ implies the existence of several kinds of uncountable Boolean algebras with no uncountable chains or antichains. Similar results (but motivated quite differently) were obtained independently by Rubin [5]. Berney [3] showed that CH implies that (B) is false, but his algebra has uncountable chains. Finally, Shelah showed very recently that CH implies the existence of an uncountable Boolean algebra with no uncountable chains or antichains.Except for Kunen's result cited above, the only result in the other direction was the theorem, due also to Kunen, that MA + ¬CH implies that any uncountable subset of with no uncountable antichains must have both ascending and decending infinite sequences under ⊆.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference6 articles.

1. Iterated Cohen Extensions and Souslin's Problem

2. Rubin M. , A Boolean algebra with few subalgebras, interval Boolean algebras and retractiveness (to appear).

3. Αll $ℵ_1$-dense sets of reals can be isomorphic

4. Berney E. S. and Nyikos P. J. , The length and breadth of Boolean algebras (to appear).

Cited by 19 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. The relative strengths of fragments of Martin's axiom;Annals of Pure and Applied Logic;2024-01

2. On Two Types of Concept Lattices in the Theory of Numberings;Lecture Notes in Computer Science;2022

3. In memoriam: James Earl Baumgartner (1943–2011);Archive for Mathematical Logic;2017-05-18

4. What makes the continuum ℵ₂;Foundations of Mathematics;2017

5. Incomparable families and maximal trees;Fundamenta Mathematicae;2016







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