A filter lambda model and the completeness of type assignment


Barendregt Henk,Coppo Mario,Dezani-Ciancaglini Mariangiola


In [6, p. 317] Curry described a formal system assigning types to terms of the type-free λ-calculus. In [11] Scott gave a natural semantics for this type assignment and asked whether a completeness result holds.Inspired by [4] and [5] we extend the syntax and semantics of the Curry types in such a way that filters in the resulting type structure form a domain in the sense of Scott [12]. We will show that it is possible to turn the domain of types into a λ-model, among other reasons because all λ-terms possess a type. This model gives the completeness result for the extended system. By a conservativity result the completeness for Curry's system follows.Independently Hindley [8], [9] has proved both completeness results using term models. His method of proof is in some sense dual to ours.For λ-calculus notation see [1].


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference12 articles.

1. Lambda-Calculus Models and Extensionality

2. BEN-Yelles C. B. , Type-assignment in the lambda-calculus; Syntax and semantics, Doctoral Thesis, University College of Swansea, 1979.

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