1. Bellenir, Karen. "J. P. Morgan and Gatsby's Name." Studies in American Fiction 21.1 (1993): 111-15. Print.
2. Bennett, Warren. "Préfigurations of Gatsby, Eckleburg, Owl Eyes, and Klipspringer." Fitzgerald / Hemingway Annual 11 (1979): 207-23. Print.
3. Bruccoli, Matthew J., and Margaret M. Duggan, eds., with the assistance of Susan Walker. Correspondence of F. Scott Fitzgerald. New York: Random, 1980. Print.
4. Cervo, Nathan A. "Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby." The Explicator 63.3 (2005): 169. Web. 12 Mar. 2010.
5. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Legend of Good Women. The Riverside Chaucer. Ed. Larry D. Benson. Boston: Houghton, 1987. 588-630. Print.