1. Ball, John C., Lawrence Rosen, John A. Flueck and David Nurco1981 "The criminality of heroin addicts when addicted and when off opiates." Pp. 39-65 inJames A. Inciardi (ed.), The Drugs-Crime Connection. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.BallThe criminality of heroin addicts when addicted and when off opiates39The Drugs-Crime Connection1981
2. The day to-day criminality of heroin addicts in Baltimore — A study in the continuity of offence rates
3. Beschner, George M. and William Brower1985 "The scene." Pp. 19-29 in Bill Hanson, George Beschner, James M. Walters and ElliotBovelle (eds.), Life with Heroin: Voices from the Inner City. Lexington, MA: LexingtonBooks.BeschnerThe scene19Life with Heroin: Voices from the Inner City1985