1. K istorii izdanya “Flory SSSR”. (To the history of the publication of the “Flora USSR”);Bobrov E. G.;Sov. Botanika,1935
2. Sostoyanie i perspectivy izucheniya otechestvennoi flori. (The condition and perspectives of the study of the native flora);Bobrov E. G.;Bot. Zhurn.,1963
3. Flora URSS
4. “Flora SSSR”, rabota nad nei i znachenie etogo izdaniya. (Flora USSR, work on it and the importance of this publication);Bobrov E. G.;Bot. Zhurn.,1965
5. Principes de la structure de la “Flore de l'U.R.S.S.”. VIII. Congress intern, de botanique, Paris, 1954;Chichkine B. C.;Comptes rendues des Séances, séct.,1957