The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the "Female" Professions


Williams Christine L.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Sociology and Political Science

Reference32 articles.

1. Hardcastle 1987

2. Alice Kessler-Harris argues that the lower pay of traditionally female occupations is symbolic of a patriarchalorder that assumes female dependence on a male breadwinner. She writes that pay equity is fundamentally threateningto the "male worker's sense of self, pride, and masculinity" because it upsets his individual standing in the hierarchicalordering of the sexes (1990:125)125

3. Bielby, William T., and James N. Baron1984 "A woman's place is with other women: Sex segregation within organizations." In SexSegregation in the Workplace: Trends, explanations, remedies, ed. Barbara Reskin, 27-55.Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.Bielby27A woman's place is with other women: Sex segregation within organizations1984

4. Carothers, Suzanne C., and Peggy Crull1984 "Contrasting sexual harassment in female-dominated and male-dominated occupations."In My Troubles are Going to have Trouble with Me: Everyday Trials and Triumphs ofWomen Workers, ed. Karen B. Sacks and Dorothy Remy, 220-227. New Brunswick, N.J.Rutgers University Press.Carothers220Contrasting sexual harassment in female-dominated and male-dominated occupations1984

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