1. Compositional Analysis of Habitat Use From Animal Radio-Tracking Data
2. Roost Selection by Spotted Owls: An Adaptation to Heat Stress
3. BOSAKOWSKI, T., R. SPEISER, AND J. BENZINGER. 1987.Distribution, density, and habitat relationshipsof the Barred Owl in northern New Jersey. Pages135-143 in Biology and conservation of northernforest owls: Symposium proceedings (R. W.Nero, R. J. Clark, R. J. Knapton, and R. H. Hamre,Eds.). U.S. Forest Service General Technical Re-port RM-142, Fort Collins, Colorado.BosakowskiDistribution, density, and habitat relationships of the Barred Owl in northern New Jersey135Biology and conservation of northern forest owls: Symposium proceedings1987