Herbrand-Analysen zweier Beweise des Satzes von Roth: Polynomiale Anzahlschranken


Luckhardt H.


AbstractA previously unexplored method, combining logical and mathematical elements, is shown to yield substantial numerical improvements in the area of Diophantine approximations. Kreisel illustrated the method abstractly by noting that effective bounds on the number of elements are ensured if Herbrand terms from ineffective proofs ofΣ2-finiteness theorems satisfy certain simple growth conditions. Here several efficient growth conditions for the same purpose are presented that are actually satisfied in practice, in particular, by the proofs of Roth's theorem due to Roth himself and to Esnault and Viehweg. The analysis of the former yields an exponential bound of order exp(70ε−2d2) in place of exp(285ε−2d2) given by Davenport and Roth in 1955, whereαis (real) algebraic of degreed≥ 2 and ∣αpq−1∣ <q−2−ε. (Thus the new bound is less than the fourth root of the old one.) The new bounds extracted from the other proof arepolynomial of low degree(inε−1and logd). Corollaries: Apart from a new bound for the number of solutions of the corresponding Diophantine equations and inequalities (among them Thue's inequality), log logqν, <Cα, εν5/6+ε, whereqνare the denominators of the convergents to the continued fraction ofα.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



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1. A finitization of Littlewood's Tauberian theorem and an application in Tauberian remainder theory;Annals of Pure and Applied Logic;2023-04

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