

Charlesworth M. P.


‘Ceteris in rebus statim ab initio principatus usque ad exitum civilis et clemens, mediocritatem pristinam neque dissimulavit umquam ac frequenter etiam prae se tulit. quin et conantis quosdam originem Flavii generis ad conditores Reatinos comitemque Herculis … referre irrisit ultro’ (Suet. Div. Vesp. 12).Vespasian came of peasant stock; he succeeded to a position which had been occupied by men of the noblest birth. For the Julio Claudians no proofs need be produced; of their successors Galba boasted descent from Jupiter and (strangely) Pasiphae, and Otho from Etruscan princes; even Vitellius had a pedigree going back to Faunus and a local goddess, Vitellia. Vespasian was far too shrewd to make similar claims; he deliberately rejected the attempts of flatterers to find him a noble ancestor. Much of the Life of Suetonius is evidence for the statement ‘mediocritatem pristinam neque dissimulavit umquam ac frequenter etiam prae se tulit.’ His reign marked a return to simpler ways of living, and emphasised a contrast with the pomp and extravagance of a Nero, wealthy and degenerate (see infra, p. 55). It was a realistic and sensible policy, and likely to win support from the lower classes of population in Italy, whether peasants or city proletariate.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Literature and Literary Theory,Archeology,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,History,Archeology,Classics

Reference12 articles.

1. Nock A. D. in CR xxxix, 1925, 60

2. Britannicus and Titus;Mattingly;Num. Chron.,1930

3. Tac. Ann. iii, 55

Cited by 41 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Political Power and Victory Coins in the Visual Propaganda of the Principatus Period;International Journal of Ancient History;2022-06-05

2. Vespasian (Vespasianus Augustus);The Encyclopedia of Ancient History;2014-01-30

3. BIBLIOGRAPHY;The Cambridge Ancient History;2000-10-12

4. Chronological Table;The Cambridge Ancient History;2000-10-12

5. Religion;The Cambridge Ancient History;2000-10-12








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