1. T. S. Eliot, "What is a Classic?" in On Poetry and Poets (New York:Noonday Press, 1968), 52-74.EliotWhat is a Classic?52On Poetry and Poets1968
2. Frank Kermode, The Classic (Cambridge, Mass. and London: HarvardUniversity Press, 1983), 15-16Kermode15The Classic1983
3. William Austin, for example, presents neoclassicism as a "catchword" oftwentieth-century music, but promptly dismisses its usefulness, in Music inthe 20th Century: From Debussy through Stravinsky (New York: W. W.Norton, 1966), 32.Austincatchword of twentieth-century music, but promptly dismisses its usefulness32Music in the 20th Century: From Debussy through Stravinsky1966
4. Bryan R. Simms, Music of the Twentieth Century (New York and London:Schirmer Books, 1986), 274-303.Simms274Music of the Twentieth Century1986
5. Robert P. Morgan, Twentieth-Century Music (New York and London: W.W. Norton, 1991), 126-27, 159-200.Morgan126Twentieth-Century Music1991