Economic Dependence and Marginalization: Some Empirical Evidence


Tyler William G.,Wogart J. Peter


One of the more recent and interesting contributions in the field of development has been the theory of dependence. This theory seeks to explain the most pressing problems of the less-developed world in terms of the relations between the developing and developed areas. Stagnation, unemployment, income inequality, and regional disequilibria are all seen as directly related to a less-developed country's position vis-à-vis the developed and capitalist world. Unfortunately, the theory of dependence has become something of a cause célèbre. It is either eagerly accepted or scornfully rejected as a matter of faith—primarily because of its political implications and overtones. Those who accept it embrace it willfully and rally to defend it against any possible detractors. Those who reject it generally choose to ignore it as either not serious or unworthy of careful attention and consideration.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Geography, Planning and Development

Reference10 articles.

1. Capitalismo transnacional y desintegración nacional en la America Latina;Sunkel;Trimestre Económico,1971

2. Notas sobre desarollo, subdesarollo y dependencia;Pinto;Trimestre Económico,1972

3. Big Business and "Dependencia": A Latin American View

4. Capitalism, Underdevelopment and the Future of the Poor Countries

Cited by 23 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Foreign Aid and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis;Geographical Analysis;2010-09-03

2. Accumulation in the world economy and the international division of labour;Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie;2008-07-14

3. Dependency;The Journal of American History;1990-06

4. Dependencia und kapitalistisches Weltsystem, oder: Die Grenzen globaler Entwicklungstheorien;Politische Vierteljahresschrift Sonderhefte;1985

5. Comment on "Dependency Theory and Taiwan: Analysis of a Deviant Case";American Journal of Sociology;1984-01







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