Variations on a theme by Weiermann


Arai Toshiyasu


AbstractWeiermann [18] introduces a new method to generate fast growing functions in order to get an elegant and perspicuous proof of a bounding theorem for provably total recursive functions in a formal theory, e.g., in PA. His fast growing function θαη is described as follows. For each ordinal a and natural number n let denote a finitely branching, primitive recursive tree of ordinals, i.e., an ordinal as a label is attached to each node in the tree so that the labelling is compatible with the tree ordering. Then the tree is well founded and hence finite by König's lemma. Define θαηn =the depth of the tree =the length of the longest branch in .We introduce new fast and slow growing functions in this mode of definitions and show that each of these majorizes provably total recursive functions in PA.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



Reference21 articles.

1. Arai T. , Proof theory for theories of ordinals I.Π2-reflecting ordinals, manuscript, 02 1989.

2. Transfinite induction within Peano arithmetic

3. Elementary descent recursion and proof theory

4. Weiermann A. , Sometimes slow growing is fast growing, draft, 04 1996.

Cited by 5 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Epsilon Numbers;Ordinal Analysis with an Introduction to Proof Theory;2020

2. An extremely sharp phase transition threshold for the slow growing hierarchy;Mathematical Structures in Computer Science;2006-10

3. 2004 Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic;Bulletin of Symbolic Logic;2005-06

4. Slow Versus Fast Growing;Synthese;2002-10

5. Some results on cut-elimination, provable well-orderings, induction and reflection;Annals of Pure and Applied Logic;1998-11







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