Watson Brake, a Middle Archaic Mound Complex in Northeast Louisiana


Saunders Joe W.,Mandel Rolfe D.,Sampson C. Garth,Allen Charles M.,Allen E. Thurman,Bush Daniel A.,Feathers James K.,Gremillion Kristen J.,Hallmark C. T.,Jackson H. Edwin,Johnson Jay K.,Jones Reca,Saucier Roger T.,Stringer Gary L.,Vidrine Malcolm F.


Middle Archaic earthen mound complexes in the lower Mississippi valley are remote antecedents of the famous but much younger Poverty Point earthworks. Watson Brake is the largest and most complex of these early mound sites. Very extensive coring and stratigraphic studies, aided by 25 radiocarbon dates and six luminescence dates, show that minor earthworks were begun here at ca. 3500 B.C. in association with an oval arrangement of burned rock middens at the edge of a stream terrace. The full extent of the first earthworks is not yet known. Substantial moundraising began ca. 3350 B.C. and continued in stages until some time after 3000 B.C. when the site was abandoned. All 11 mounds and their connecting ridges were occupied between building bursts. Soils formed on some of these temporary surfaces, while lithics, fire-cracked rock, and fired clay/loam objects became scattered throughout the mound fills. Faunal and floral remains from a basal midden indicate all-season occupation, supported by broad-spectrum foraging centered on nuts, fish, and deer. All the overlying fills are so acidic that organics have not survived. The area enclosed by the mounds was kept clean of debris, suggesting its use as ritual space. The reasons why such elaborate activities first occurred here remain elusive. However, some building bursts covary with very well-documented increases in El Niño/Southern Oscillation events. During such rapid increases in ENSO frequencies, rainfall becomes extremely erratic and unpredictable. It may be that early moundraising was a communal response to new stresses of droughts and flooding that created a suddenly more unpredictable food base.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Museology,Archeology,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous),History

Reference83 articles.

1. Cad Mound: A Stone Bead Locus in East Central Louisiana.;Gibson;Bulletin of the Texas Archaeological Society,1968

2. Vandaveer Chelsie 2003 What's in a Name? Electronic document, http: //www.killerplants.com/whats-in-a- name/20030117.asp, last accessed January 17, 2003.

3. Chenopodium berlandieri ssp.jonesanum: Evidence for a Hopewellian Domesticate from Ash Cave, Ohio.;Smith;Southeastern Archaeology,1985a

4. Caney Mounds (16CT5);Saunders;Louisiana Archaeological Society Newsletter,2000

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