Traffic simulation-emission modelling to evaluate impact of signal cycle on automobile emissions


P. Chauhan Boski


Vehicular traffic comprises different types of vehicles with varying static and dynamic characteristics, under heterogeneous traffic conditions in India. The continuous growth of vehicles results in high congestion and becoming the main source of air pollution. The reduction in emissions is directly linked to the reduction in traffic congestion. At urban corridors, higher concentration of pollutants is observed near the traffic signals because of the influence of traffic signal operations on vehicular speed. The present research is carried out with the principal objective as the study of the effect of intersection control on emissions in the urban intersection of a metropolitan city. Microscopic traffic simulation models have been used to simulate real traffic conditions, and effectively represent the extensive performance of vehicles associated with speed and acceleration states. The simulation model is revised with optimum signal cycle time considering the signal phase system shows a substantial reduction in automobile emissions.


Giordano Editore







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