Webnography 2.0
transcript Verlag
Reference26 articles.
1. Boellstorff, Tom/Nardi, Bonnie/Pearce, Celia/Taylor, T. L. (2012): Ethnography and Virtual Worlds. A Handbook of Method. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2. Bogner, Alexander/Littig, Beate/Menz, Wolfgang (Eds.) (2009): Interviewing Experts. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 3. Bolger, Niall/Davis, Angelina/Rafaeli, Eshkol (2003): Diary Methods: Capturing Life as it is Lived. In: Annual Review of Psychology, 54, pp. 579–616. 4. Brandt, Joel/Weiss, Nathan/Klemmer, Scott (2007): txt 4 l8r: Lowering the Burden for Diary Studies Under Mobile Conditions. In: CHI ’07 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM: New York, NY, pp. 2303–2308. 5. Buschauer, Regine/Willis, Katherine S. (Eds.) (2013): Locative Media: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media and Locality. Bielefeld: transcript.