Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the subjective attitude of students to educational and professional activities


Aivarova Nina G.ORCID,Timoshkina Marina V.ORCID


The article touches upon the actual problem of vocational education the development of the subjective attitude of students to educational and professional activities in the light of the requirements of the dynamic development of socio-economic processes, the modern labor market. The current stage of a dynamic civilization, total informatization, places high demands on the self-development, self-education, self-improvement of a professional. One of the important skills of our time is the skill of managing one's own resources, a conscious attitude to building life trajectories (self-skills), respectively, the formation of such skills should be the focus of attention in the process of professional training of the younger generation. The purpose of this article is to present the experience of organizing psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of a conscious attitude of students to educational and professional activities, the development of subjectivity, the formation of supra professional skills. The main objectives of the article are to reveal the methodological basis for the construction of the author's course for first-year students "Psychology of personal and educational and professional effectiveness", to justify the choice of content, pedagogical methods and technologies used during the implementation of the program, to identify the effective aspects of the discipline and shortcomings indicating the need for further improvement of the course program. The methodological basis for the formation of the content of the author's training course was the research of the subject and subjectivity of the individual in domestic psychology, the specifics of the competence paradigm of education, the requirements of the modern labor market and the problems of the formation of universal skills in the modern system of vocational education. The presented article substantiates the selection of the content of the training course modules, self-diagnosis and self-development practices, and reveals the features and main difficulties of implementing the training course in offline and online learning. The practice of implementing the author's course program has shown the effectiveness of forming a subjective attitude to educational and professional activities, self-skills, as basic skills for the formation of universal competencies of future professionals.


Nizhnevartovsk State University


General Medicine

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