Assessment of yield and adaptive properties of winter wheat varieties in the Udmurt Republic conditions


Kuryleva A. G.1ORCID


1. Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


In various soil and climatic conditions of the Udmurt Republic, according to yield data (2016-2018) of state variety testing plots (GSU), ecological plasticity, stress resistance, genetic flexibility of 10 zoned and new varieties of winter wheat (standard - Volzhskaya K) were evaluated. The soil of the state variety testing sites: soddy-telopodzol sandy loamy - Uvinsky state varietal test site; light-gray forest heavy loamy - Sarapulsky state varietal test site; sod-mid-podzolic medium loamy - Mozhginsky state varietal test site. The agrometeorological conditions of the growing seasons differed in terms of heat and moisture supply: 2016 - hot and dry (hydrothermic coefficient – 0.70), 2017 - excessively humid (hydrothermic coefficient – 2.14), 2018 - wet (hydrothermic coefficient – 1.21). A high yield of winter wheat varieties was revealed in the southern zone of the Udmurt Republic (Sarapulskiy GSU - 3.32 t/ha and Mozhginskiy GSU - 2.95 t/ha). Weather conditions of the year mostly influenced the formation of winter wheat yield - 64.8-98.5 %. The share of participation of the variety is 0.8-31.7 %. A relatively high (3.40-3.47 t/ha) "genetic flexibility" of varieties Darina, Mera and Kazanskaya 285 was revealed, 7-9 % higher than the Volzhskaya K standard. The highest level of environmental sustainability was established in the varieties Volzhskaya K and Mera ‒ d = 67.36-67.44 %. According to the indicators of plasticity, a strong response to changes in environmental conditions was revealed in Darina, Mera, Universiada varieties (bi = 1.05-1.09); weak reaction – in Biryuza and Ilot varieties (bi = 0.91-0.92); plastic varieties - Volzhskaya K, Bashkirskaya 10, Italmas, Kazanskaya 285 and Moskovskaya 39 (bi = 0.96-1.01). The smallest gap between the maximum and the minimum yield (stress resistance) was noted for the Ilot variety ‒ 2.91 t/ha.


FARC of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitskogo

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