An Investigation of Mathematics Education Studies Conducted with Turkish Primary Teachers


Ören Vural Duygu1ORCID,Sevgi Sevim2ORCID


1. Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi



The studies conducted with in-service and preservice primary teachers in the field of mathematics teaching are among the research areas that are important and will not lose their importance soon as the outcomes of these research areas are critical for teaching mathematics in primary education and restructuring teacher education programs. As the number of studies in this field conducted in recent years increases, the necessity of reference research that will guide future studies and evaluate the status of current ones comes to the front. Using the method of systematic reviewing, research studies on mathematics education, which are published in the journals indexed in ULAKBİM, conducted between 2010-2021 years, and conducted with in-service and preservice primary teachers in Turkey, were examined. A total of 100 research studies were analyzed by using content analysis. All the studies were examined focusing on their research area, learning area, research method, data collection tools, sample and sample size, and data analysis methods. This study aimed to reveal the research trends in Turkey first. The secondary goal of the study is to guide future research studies by revealing what is highlighted and missing in the field. Considering research results, researchers can expand and improve research in primary mathematics education.


Bartin Universitesi

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