1. 2) H. G. HADRYS, M. G. FROHBERG, and J. F. ELLIOTT : Metall. Trans., 1B (1970), p. 1867
2. 3) P. SPENCER and O. KUBASCHEWSKI : Arch. Eisenhüttenwes., 49 (1978), p. 225
3. 4) O. KUBASCHEWSKY and C. B. ALCOCK : Metallurgical Thermochemistry, 5th edition (1979) [Pergamon Press]
4. 5) G. W. HEABY : JISI, 208 (1970), p. 664
5. 8) The Comitte for Fundamental Metallurgy : Schlackenatlas (1981), p. 64 [Verlag Stahleisen]