1. 2) J.-C. WRAMPELMEYER and D. JANKE : 5 th Intern. Iron & Steel Cong., Proc. of 6 th Process Tech. Conf., ISS of AIME, Washington DC, 6 ( 1986 ), p. 653
2. 5) E. M. LEVIN and H. F. McMURDIE : Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, 1975 Supplement (National Bureau of Standards) (1975) [The Amer. Cer, Soc., INC.]
3. 8) E. M. LEVIN, C. R. ROBBINS and H. F. McMURDIE : Phase Diagrams for Ceramists (National Bureau of Standards) (1964) [The Amer. Cer. Soc., INC.]
4. 9) E. M. LEVIN, C. R. ROBBINS and H. F. McMURDIE : Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, 1969 Supplement (National Bureau of Standards)(1969)[The Amer. Cer, Soc., INC.]
5. 10) R. S. ROTH, T. NEGAS and L. P. COOK : Phase Diagrams for Ceramists, Vol. IV (National Bureau of Standards) (1981) [The Amer. Cer. Soc., INC.]