1. 1) R. Loison, P. Foch and A. Boyer: Coke: Quality and Production, Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd, London, (1998), 158.
2. 2) P. Bennett, A. Reifenstein, G. O’Brien and B. Jenkins: ACARP Report, C12057, ACARP, Brisbane, (2008), 9.
3. 3) ASTM D5341-99: 2010, Standard test method for measuring coke reactivity index (CRI) and coke strength after reaction (CSR).
4. 4) ISO 18894: 2006, Coke - Determination of coke reactivity index (CRI) and coke strength after reaction (CSR).
5. 5) B. van der Velden, J. Trouw, R. Chaigneau and J. van den Berg: 58th Ironmaking Conf., ISS, Warrendale, PA, (1999), 275.