How to design an objective test to assess personality: Step by step


Romero MiriamORCID,Hernández López José ManuelORCID,Santacreu José


Objective tests allow us to study the behavior that people show, without having to resort to the analysis of the verbal descriptions they make about their own behavior. Objective tests have been widely used to study abilities, and it was not until the works of Cattell and Warburton that these instruments also began to be systematically designed to study personality. This work aims to provide researchers with the necessary knowledge to design an objective personality test. Initially, The article presents a review of the main aspects of objective tests, including their historical context and theoretical foundations. Following this review, we propose a detailed methodology to guide the design of objective personality tests. This methodology includes key steps such as defining the construct, designing the test's morphology and functionality, and conducting pilot studies to ensure reliability and validity. This structured approach ensures the development of robust and precise tools for personality assessment, thereby making a significant contribution to the field of psychology. Objective tests offer notable advantages in providing unbiased and accurate assessments of personality. This work serves as a foundational guide for researchers aiming to develop objective personality assessment tools, emphasizing the importance of methodological rigor and interdisciplinary collaboration.


Universidad CES

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